CHARITABLE CAUSES COMMITTEEThis Committee supports and leads MiRC in giving back to Michigan Communities. Each year, with suggestions from our membership, we choose an organization to support at our meetings through various fund-raising events such as Gift Card Raffles and a Silent Auction at our Holiday Meeting. For a list of organizations we have supported over the years, check out our “Charities We Support” webpage. We are also excited to announce that we have added a Scholarship Program in 2024. For more details, please see our "Scholarship Program" webpage. |
MEDIA/WEBSITE COMMITTEEThis Committee works hard to support and push MiRC into its future of growth and visibility via media and website information. We send out all communications via email and social media as well as maintain our website with up-to-date information on all things MiRC. We work closely with all other Committees for content and campaigns. |
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEEThis Committee manages the annual membership renewal and recruitment, reviews member applications, and maintains accurate member records. We also collect demographics on new and renewing members and ensure information is updated in the member contact directory. We are the main point of contact to address questions and explain the value of membership to potential members, manage annual membership drive each year and report on membership activity at each meeting. We set MiRC’s membership goals for Corporate and Service Provider Membership growth each year and suggest campaigns for growth. We also secure content for our Quarterly Membership Newsletters which are posted on our website under the Membership “Newsletter” tab. You will need to be a member and logged in to view. |
PROGRAMS COMMITTEEThis Committee brings relevant and educational content and programs to our quarterly meetings. This includes securing topics, speakers, organizing panels, and polling. Our goal is to create a fun-filled and educational day and to ensure that we are providing content that is helpful and informative to Relocation and Global Mobility professionals at all levels. Our programs are designed to offer CRP, GMS, HRCI and SHRM credits. |
DIRECTOR - PROGRAMS CO-CHAIR Global Mobility Solutions |
SPONSORSHIP COMMITTEEThis Committee is charged with generating revenue to support MiRC events through direct solicitation of our Service Provider Members. This is achieved by working in tandem with our Media/Website committee to develop content and cadence of email and social media campaigns to raise awareness of sponsorship opportunities available annually as well as specialty meeting sponsorships. Additionally, the sponsorship committee serves as the Board’s ambassador during our events to ensure our Sponsors receive a warm welcome and recognition. |
VENUES COMMITTEEThis Committee focuses our energy towards providing an exceptional atmosphere during our Quarterly Meetings. Selection of venues are vetted to make sure that our members and guests enjoy program content and networking. We vet everything from AV needs, food options, attendee capacity to parking as we search for the perfect meeting venues. We strive to choose a variety of locations throughout metro Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Lansing, and Kalamazoo. Our focus is on securing Corporate HQs to showcase those companies who relocate talent into Michigan. We also assist with “evening before meeting” networking dinners as well as special networking events after our meetings. |